Most Recent Publications
(click on the titles to read each article)
"Four Steps to Exporting to the Global Market," IE Business Edge, February 2022
"Current Health Pandemic Shows the Need to Restructure Old Agricultural Trade Policies," Global Trade Magazine, 12 June 2020
"Increased Digitalisation of Services Trade in Today's Global Economic Paralysis," The World Financial Review, 10 June 2020
"What Debates About International Trade and Competition Often Ignore," The World Financial Review, May-June 2017
"Three Factors to Turn Interest in the Cuban Market into a Viable Plan of Action,"
Export Magazine, Spring 2017
Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Articles
Path Dependency and U.S. Textile Competitiveness in the Dominican Republic Market,
Journal of Competitiveness Studies, 2014, 22:1 & 2, 25-42
Small States and Asymmetry in International Trade Negotiations: Constraints and Outcomes,
Politics and Policy, June 2013, 41:3, 464-475
Small States and Compliance Bargaining in the WTO: An analysis
of the Antigua-US Gambling Services Case,
Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 2012, 25:3, 367-385
Review of Building Transnational Networks: Civil Society and the Politics of Trade in the Americas,
Politics and Policy, June 2012, 40:3, 539-541
Eurasian Bargaining, Agriculture and the Doha Round,
Caucasian Review of International Affairs, 2010, 4:3, 285-292
Cross-regional Trade Cooperation: The Mexico-Japan Free Trade Agreement,
Asia Pacific Perspectives, 2007, 7:1, 2-10
Editorials and Featured Commentaries
Four Steps to Exporting to the Global Market, IE Business Edge, February 2022
Current Health Pandemic Shows the Need to Restructure Old Agricultural Trade Policies, Global Trade Magazine, 12 June 2020
Increased Digitalisation of Services Trade in Today's Global Economic Paralysis, The World Financial Review, 10 June 2020
What Debates About International Trade and Competition Often Ignore, World Financial Review, May-June 2017
Three Factors to Turn Interest in the Cuban Market into a Viable Plan of Action,
Export Magazine, Spring 2017
The Marginalization of the Caribbean in the Americas Agenda,
Global Politics Magazine, April 2012
RD-CAFTA, Modificaciones y sus Oportunidades,
Vigilante Informativo, August 2008
Protectionist Label Obscures Free Trade Debate,
Charlotte Observer, 2 May 2008